Planting more trees is the best way to revive the Earth

Planting more trees is the best way to revive the Earth
Save Green has planted many trees in public areas. Our team looks for areas where trees are protected.
We need to appreciate trees more. They provide oxygen and food for animals and humans. It creates a beautiful world and ensures that the environment is safe. Trees can also protect humans from soil erosion and pollution. They clean the air, make the earth more beautiful, and reduce carbon footprints. Trees can provide shade in summer and cool the air in spring, and they also block harsh winter winds.
Trees are not just living structures in the world. It is an entire world. We have gone on a rampage to destroy nature for our own economic gain. Humans have forgotten the importance of trees. We will regret this act soon, but it is possible to make amends. For future generations, we cannot leave a deserted and degraded planet.
Planting more trees is the best way to revive the Earth. This is the first step in making our planet greener again.
Here's a list with 35+ trees that are growing at a rapid rate in India.
1. Jamun Tree
Jamun trees are tall and can grow to 30 to 35 feet. The Jamun tree is fast growing and easy to grow. This tree's fruit is loved and eaten widely. The many health benefits of this tree are well-known. It can be used to treat many conditions like diabetes, indigestion and high blood pressure. These trees can live for up to 100 years. The bark at the top of the tree is smooth and light greyish, while the bark at the base becomes rough and dark greyish. This tree's wood is water-resistant. The leaves have a soothing scent and are similar to turpentine.
2. Karanja Tree
The Karanja tree is one the fastest-growing trees in India. Because of the oil it produces from its seeds, it is a widely consumed tree. Biofuel is made from the extracted oil. This tree can reach a height of approximately 15-25m and is absolutely stunning in full bloom. This tree is a flowering one with white, pink, and lavender-colored flowers. It is well-suited for extreme temperatures, and can withstand low water requirements.
3. Papaya Tree
One of the most beloved fruit trees in the country is the Papaya tree. Although it has a short lifespan, the Papaya tree is one of the fastest growing trees. It can grow to a height of approximately 10 to 15 feet with a single trunk. The fruit is sweet and juicy and is very popular in Indian households. The fruit can also be used in many sweet dishes and other food items, whether it is ripe or raw.
4. Moringa, or the Drum Stick Tree
This tree is also known as the horseradish tree. Because of its medicinal properties, this tree is widely used in medicine and Ayurveda. The Moringa tree is the easiest to grow, and can reach heights of around 30-40 feet. Although they can grow in any soil condition, they need to be well watered. Many Indian households eat the fruit of this tree. Its leaves are also used to make a paste.
5. Almond Tree
Almond trees are the oldest tree form from which Almond fruit can be cultivated. It is a member of the Rosaceae family. It can grow quickly. The tree can reach a height of approximately 15-20 feet. Almonds are a dry, rich variety of fruit. It's rich in protein, fiber and magnesium as well as vitamins and other essential nutrients. It is deciduous and the first to blossom at the end of winter. It has been shown to cool the land around it.
6. Kapok tree
In India, the Kapok tree grows at a very rapid rate. It can grow up to 200 feet in height. It is usually found in India's rainforest regions. However, it can grow in any soil. Because of its strength, the Kapok tree's wood is used to make coffins. These leaves form a canopy in the forest and are alwaysgreen. This tree is not only grown for its wood but also for its fiber, and floss.
7. Indian Wild Cherry tree
Indian wild cherry trees thrive in moist, fertile soil. They are one of the fastest growing trees in India. The tree can grow up to 50 feet in height and thrives under high sunlight. The bark of this tree can be used for respiratory problems as well as as sedative. It's a good source of vitamin A.
8. Sagwan Tree, Teak Tree
It has been shown to have certain medicinal properties that can treat various stomach ailments. It can live for more than 200 years. This tree is a hardwood deciduous and can be found in mixed rain forests. The tree is widely used in India for approximately 2000 years. It has a high oil level, making it very difficult to rot. It is used for medicinal purposes, and in furniture, tool manufacturing, etc.
9. Amrood Tree
Guava fruit, a national favourite, is harvested from this tree. It is readily available throughout India, and it is also available year-round. It can grow to a height of nearly 30 feet, and it is easy to maintain and grow. It requires fertile soil that is well-drained. It is quite common in backyards. It is easily identifiable by its copper-colored, smooth bark. The bark flakes off to reveal the greenish layer below. It is also a flowering tree, so it enhances the visual senses.
10. Mahua Tree
The tree can reach a height of approximately 20 meters. It thrives in sandy soil. This tree is often found in northern India's arid regions. This tree's seeds can be used to make oil and are used for cooking. The tree also produces useful flowers that contain many vitamins, minerals, calcium, and other nutrients. The leaves initially appear pinkish, but they gradually turn to midnight green. Mahua is a versatile herb with many benefits that has been a boon to the pharmaceutical and food industries.
11. Oak Tree
This tree is a perfect example of the type of trees that can be found in the Himalayas' hilly regions. It is fast-growing and one of the main sources of fuelwood. People use the leaves as fodder for their livestock. It can be found in the northern temperate zone as well as at high altitudes in tropics. Quercus species have alternate, simple, evergreen, or deciduous leaves that are lobed, toothed or complete margins.
12. Harra Tree
This tree is very important in Indian Mythology. According to legend, the Harra tree was created when nectar fell from the heavens. The tree is a deciduous and can grow to 30 meters tall. These flowers are dark in color and can be found at the ends of the branches. This tree's fruit is hardy and greenish. The seed of this fruit plays an important role in curing certain ailment conditions.
13. Neem Tree
This tree is an Indian staple. It is well-known for its medicinal properties. Each part of the tree can be used for one or another purpose. All parts of the tree can be used to treat various diseases, including the bark and leaves. This tee helped many diseases to be cured back in the days before there were any medicines.
14. Bamboo
Bamboo is a hollow stem that is commonly found in tropical climates of Asia. It is the fastest growing tree in India, and India is the world's largest producer of bamboo. The tree can reach full maturity in as little as 90 days from the time it is planted.
15. Ber Tree
It is also known as Indian Plum or Chinese date. Its fruit can increase bone density, and it has many other medicinal uses. Ber is a tree of medium size that can grow vigorously. It can be either deciduous, or evergreen depending on the climate. It can withstand drought conditions well and has a rapidly growing taproot system. It's well-known for its resilience to adverse conditions like drought, salinity, and waterlogging.
16. Nimboo Tree
The Lemon (Hindi: Nimboo) tree is small and evergreen, growing to about 11 feet in height. The bark can vary in color, from clear grey on its trunk to green on the younger branches, to purplish on the twigs. The fruit turns from green to yellow when ripe. A lemon tree can have flowers as well as ripe fruits at the same time.
17. Sadad Tree
The Sadad Tree, also known as Arjuna tree or the Arjuna tree is a large deciduous tree with a canopy that fills to the crown. This tree averages 70 meters in height. The yellow flowers of this tree are often found along the banks of rivers and near dry riverbeds. It plays a crucial role in Ayurveda. It was originally introduced to treat heart diseases.
18. Elm Tree
Indian Elm, also known as Dhauranjo, is a large deciduous tree that can grow up to 18 meters tall. It is characterized by a dark-hued, scaly bark that strips old trees. It is a common species that grows in India's forest cover and is widely used in the manufacture of many materials. It is characterized by elliptic-oval-shaped leaves that measure 3-6 cm in width and 8-14cm long. The edges are smooth and have a sharp tip.
19. Mangroves Tree
Mangrove trees can be found both in coastal and tropical areas. Mangrove forests are so majestic and huge that people travel all over the world to experience them. These trees are vital in preserving the ecosystem. It also serves as a protective cover for the coast from potential threats. This adds to national and coastal security. These trees have roots that are long and can be used as a nursery. These trees are great for protecting soil erosion and purifying the air. These mangroves also house some of the most dangerous water animals.
20. Banyan Tree
The national tree of the country, this tree has been around for centuries. The banyan tree is a part of Indian culture and has been mentioned since before the time Lord Buddha. The tree spreads across a vast area and is very majestic. This tree is a blessing for animals and humans alike. It also serves as a sign of good fortune and good luck. The tree can live for almost 100 years.
21. Lal Chandan Tree
Lal Chandan trees are medium-sized trees that can grow well in poor soil. In three years, it can grow to heights of 8 meters and 5 meters. It is very easy to grow and maintain.
22. Semal Tree
Bombax Ceiba is the botanical name for the Semal Tree. The Semal Tree is also known as the Silk Cotton Tree in English. The Semal Tree, a tropical tree that thrives in wet weather, can grow to an average height of 20 meters. The 60-meter tall Semal tree is the oldest. This tree's leaves are usually deciduous during winter. The Semal tree is a plant that humans have used for many years to gain various benefits. This tree has many benefits for humans, animals, and birds. The income comes from natural trees that are found in the vicinity of villages and forests.
23. Shikhakai
Shikakai, an ancient herb with extreme cleansing properties, is a powerful one. It can also be used to treat malaria. The leaves of this herb are good for promoting strong hair growth and can be used to treat skin conditions. It grows fast and is best grown in warm areas. It can be used in many pastes and powders. This fruit is used in sweet dishes to give them a unique flavor.
24. Amla tree
This tree is a gift for humanity. This tree's fruit has many ayurvedic properties that have been beneficial to mankind for centuries. It is a yellowish-green fruit with six stripes. It's sweet and tart at the same moment and has many health benefits.
25. Karanj Tree
This tree plays a vital role in preventing soil erosion at the roadsides. This tree can be found on highways. This tree is also useful in nitrogen-fixing. This tree is also used as a feedstock for Biodiesel, which is used to stabilize soil and reclamation.
26. Madhukar Tree
This tree can be planted in any kind of soil, and it will still grow quickly. Although sandy soil is the preferred, it can grow well in any type of soil. It can grow up to 20 meters tall and offers many health benefits.
27. Babool
The tree can grow to 5-20m high. It prefers to be in dry, sterile areas. It can be grown in almost any soil. The tree has many medicinal and other uses. They can be used for strengthening the gums, stopping gingivitis, and whitening the teeth. It can also be used to treat skin irritations, diarrhea, and arrest bleeding.
28. Banana Tree
One of India's fastest-growing fruit trees is the banana tree. In less than two years, it can grow to heights of 10-30'feet. The banana is the most common and oldest fruit known to man. Banana trees are mainly grown in India's Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Assam, Maharashtra and Karnataka. It is a good source of carbohydrates, and it is high in vitamins, especially vitamin B.
29. Custard Apple
Custard apple trees are also among the fastest-growing fruit tree in India. It is tolerant to organic fertilizers, mulching and frequent irrigation, especially if it experiences dry weather. It has a high nutritional value and good medicinal properties. It has low Cholesterol, is high in Vitamin C, Iron and Manganese, as well as Potassium.
30. Peach Tree
Peachtrees are fast-growing trees that bear fruit in just 2 to 3 years. However, some varieties can be harvested after one year of care. It can reach heights of 20-25 feet. It is a remarkable fruit crop that is cultivated in the temperate zone of the colder regions, mainly in hilly areas like Uttarakhand, Jammu, Kashmir, and Sikkim.
31. Apricot Tree
Apricot is India's fastest-growing tree. It is high in vitamin A, contains carbohydrates, proteins, and phosphorus. It takes apricot trees nearly two years to bear fruits. They grow fast.
32. Citrus Tree
One of India's fastest-growing fruit trees is the Citrus tree. Because they are self-pollinating, you only need one tree to produce the fruit. The trees begin to bear fruit one year after being planted, but the full harvest is achieved in three years. Because of its fresh, fragrant aroma, the tree is very popular in Indian Gardens.
33. Pear Tree
Pear trees are a fast-growing fruit tree and require full sun to grow. The tree takes between 3-10 years to flower and bear fruit. It is one the most important fruits grown in temperate areas.
34. Shisham
The Shisham tree, a large deciduous tree that is medium to large in size, is native to India. It has a light crown and reproduces by seed. This wood is a top-quality cabinet, furniture, veneer, and timber.
35. Bahasa Tree
Bahasa trees are beautiful trees with lovely flowers. In April, the tree is stunning and fascinating. This tree is also grown in dry climates so it can be found in abundance in the south. It can reach 40 feet in height.
36. Eucalyptus Tree
Eucalyptus trees grow quickly and can reach heights of up to 30 feet in a matter of ten years. Eucalyptus has a variety of healing properties. It is an ingredient in many products and used to reduce symptoms such as congestion, cough, or colds. It can also be found in creams and ointments that target joint and muscle pain.
This is only a small selection of the many things nature can do to help us. Nidhivanfoundation is here to help you learn more.
Nidhivanfoundation is an Irish word that means champion and someone who loves trees. We at Nidhivanfoundation Foundation understand that everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment. Nelda is the perfect companion for your company if you want to plant trees in jaipur. We have been doing this for five years and are familiar with running plantation drives in Pune as well as helping various NGOs to make our city greener.
Our volunteer army and years of experience can help you make your plantation drive in Rajasthan a success. To read more about the natural world around us, visit our website. So what are you waiting to do? Visit us at today and take the first step to making the Earth a better and greener place to live in!