The Best Time To Plant Trees Is Now

Save Trees Save Earth With NidhiVan Foundation

Valuable Benefits Of Tree Plantation

A) Trees purify the air: Trees purify the air by absorbing odours and pollutant gases such as sulphur dioxide, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and others.They offer the most important thing, which is fresh air, which is the basic need for humans to survive. You should not forget that fresh air reduces the chances of increasing diseases from polluted air.

B) Trees provide oxygen: what is the importance of oxygen to us?Oxygen is life. I hope you understand how important oxygen is for survival. The only source of oxygen is trees. An acre of mature trees can provide oxygen for 18 people in one year.

B1) Trees cool the streets and the city: Trees cool the streets and the city by providing shade and evaporating water from their leaf surface, which can reduce temperatures by up to 10°F.Hence, they are called natural air conditioners.

C)Trees Active lifestyles: Trees help in improving health as they strongly encourage people to go to parks or in green environments for walking, exercising, jogging or biking, which helps them reduce obesity and keeps them fit. 
Homes with more trees or having a green ambience in their surroundings tend to have a higher property value than those without, because it decreases pollution and has fresh air around them, which attracts people more. 
Trees shield us from ultra-violet rays. Ultra-violet rays are very harmful to anyone and can cause the most common form of cancer, i.e., skin cancer. Trees help in protecting us from ultra-violet rays as they reduce UV-B exposure by about 50%.

D) Trees provide food: Trees provide food for both humans and birds and wildlife.You can plant fruit trees like an apple tree, which does not take much space and can be easily planted on the tiniest urban lot. It yields up to 15-20 bushels per year.

According to studies, people with green ambience outside their windows heal faster and with fewer complications. Planting trees around or outside your home can not only help you avoid going to the doctor more frequently, but it can also heal you naturally. 

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, mental stress and emotional health have been a top priority. Gender violence and calls to divorce have been on the rise in certain parts of the country, as well as around the globe. These are just a few of the reasons.

Numerous studies have shown that green spaces in urban areas can help reduce stress and improve brain function, improving mental health. For good mental and physical health, urban green spaces are essential.

Green cities have many health benefits, including a longer life expectancy and fewer mental illness problems. They also provide better cognitive function.

India's pandemic saw almost all of the country locked down. People were also prohibited from going to green spaces. This reduced people's resilience. Unfortunately, because of the growing urbanization, there aren't enough green spaces, such as parks, forests and trees along the roads. According to the World Health Organization, everyone should have at least 0.5 hectares of green space within 300 meters of their home (WHO 2016,). However, many don't have this, especially in less developed areas of India.

There are many health benefits to greening cities, including better moods and healthier babies. It reduces noise, heat, and air pollution. It also reduces CO2 levels, which helps us combat the climate crisis. Green spaces are good for our ecosystems and can increase biodiversity in cities. This is especially true if the green infrastructure is well-designed.

68% of the world's population will be living in cities by 2050. This will mean that more than 2.5 billion people live in cities than they do now. More than 75% of Europeans live in urban areas. The results are clear.

According to research, 9 million people are killed each year due to air pollution. London has 2 million residents, of whom 400,000 are children.

The urban heat island effect refers to heat that is built into living spaces and reduces pollution. Green spaces in cities can help reduce the amount of pollution.

These statistics do not apply to all parts of the globe. These statistics are also applicable to India. There are many instances of air pollution in cities such as New Delhi, Mumbai and Pune.

Everyone should have access to green spaces.

Are you a fan of walking in a forest? Do you find it relaxing? Blissful? Peaceful? Reflective? Reflective? Immersing yourself in nature is becoming more popular. As mentioned above, having a home that is full of trees and grass has been shown to lower the risk of developing various health conditions. Therefore, everyone should be able to take advantage of green spaces.

Mental Health and Nature

A recent study found that many organizations had programs to increase green space and observed people's mental health improve due to seven factors.

Escape and the feeling of getting away
Space to reflect
Physical activity
Learn how to deal with problems
A purpose is a goal
Connect with program leaders
Social experiences shared
Nelda uses the same methods to bring people together for a greater cause, TREE PLANTATION. Yes, Nelda Foundation was founded with the goal of creating urban green spaces in cities like Pune.

We have found 13 ways that green spaces can contribute to human life over the last few years. Let's find them all here.

1. Green spaces reduce stress.

You can take a short hike to the hills if you feel stressed and nothing else is working. You don't have to travel far. Take a short walk in the woods. It will almost always work. You can reset your stress response by looking for green spaces around you. This will help to regulate your sympathetic nervous system, and address the root cause of your stress. It is not surprising that green spaces near urban areas are associated with higher cortisol levels. Forest bathing has been shown to reduce cortisol.

2. Green spaces increase immune function.

A Japanese naturopathy tradition of "forest bathing" emphasizes spending time in nature, usually in forests or areas where there are many trees. This boosts the immune system. The proper functioning of the immune system is dependent on natural killer cells. They are also responsible for eliminating tumors. A weekly visit to the forest park can increase cell activity and upregulate anticancer proteins for the next week. You can experience this increase in natural killer cell activity (NK cells) and anti-cancer function with every visit.

3. Green spaces improve mental health.

Although mental health gets more attention than physical health, they are both equally important. Regular walks in nature are linked to lower levels anxiety, depression, stress, and other mental health issues. Moving to "greener" neighborhoods in urban areas can lead to better mental health over the years, especially if you're moving.

4. Lower blood pressure in green spaces

For a week, spend time in evergreen forest retreat and you will experience lower hypertension and blood pressure. Children who live in urban areas that have low green space were found to have higher blood pressure. Even children might be more vulnerable to low blood pressure due to a lack of green space.

5. Green spaces reduce mortality.

This could be a coincidence. Green spaces are often associated with lower all-cause or stroke mortality. People who live near greenery have lower mortality rates.

6. Green spaces are good for your health and survival.

A recent study in the Netherlands found that urban green spaces are associated with better health and survival rates. People live longer and are healthier.

7. Green spaces make exercise more enjoyable and increase physical activity.

Exercise isn't just good for your body, but also improves your mind. This thought is often forgotten. Outdoor activities are more rejuvenating, have higher energy levels and encourage positive engagement than indoor activities. Outdoor exercises are more effective at managing anger, confusion, depression, and tension.

8. Green spaces are good for your health and physical endurance.

Many doctors, researchers, and physicians believe that outdoor activities improve stamina. Enhanced oxygen levels can also improve skin tone in greener areas. Green spaces are a great way to improve your health and you should be active outdoors.

9. Green spaces reduce blood sugar.

In this fast-paced world, diabetes is often overlooked. Nature walking and forest bathing can improve HbA1c levels and lower blood sugar. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is also lower when there are more green spaces.

10. Green spaces improve sleep.

Camping can improve your sleep cycle. Instead of staying up later, you may find yourself falling asleep shortly after sunset and waking up refreshed. Your natural circadian rhythm can be influenced by natural lighting. Green vegetation plays an important role. Studies show that urban dwellers who live near green spaces have better sleep habits.

11. We are more productive when we have green spaces.

Green spaces can improve our attention and focus on the things we see, hear, and smell. It also improves brain function. This makes us more productive, and improves our attentional ability - our ability focus on the tasks at hand without becoming distracted or deviating.

12. Children are more attracted to green spaces.

Kids love green spaces. They will know what to do when you let them go in the park or forest. They are naturally more creative and active than their parents, who will let them run, jump, climb trees and dig the ground. Children with ADHD and similar conditions also show improvement. Children with ADHD or similar conditions have shown improvement in their self-discipline, self-control, cognitive function, and concentration. Children with limited access to green space are more likely to develop behavior problems.

13. Air pollution is reduced by green spaces

This is a significant one in comparison to all the rest. Air pollution can be reduced by trees, grass, and other plants. Even if you live in an urban area, you can still enjoy clean and healthy air if you are surrounded by green spaces. Numerous researchers have shown that pregnant women are less likely to inhale and be exposed to airborne pollutants if there is more green space around their homes.

You could go on about the many benefits of green spaces. We are passionate about the environment at Nidhivan and we welcome people with similar passions to join us. How about you? Are you a fan of living in green spaces? We want to hear your thoughts!